dietrich  meyer–ebrecht


dietrich  meyer–ebrecht
prof (em) dr–ing

institute of imaging and computer vision
(lehrstuhl für bildverarbeitung)

rwth aachen university | aachen, germany

tel.:   +49 . 241 . 8940 522

email: mail (at) meyer–ebrecht (dot) de
secure email: gpg key | fingerprint


medical image processing
lectures on visualistics

ngo activities

FIfF e.V. —
forum informatiker.innen für frieden und gesellschaftliche verantwortung
(computer professionals for peace and social responsibility)

member of the advisory council
coordinator of the aachen regional group [mailing list]

wissenschaft & frieden
(science & peace)

member of the advisory council

TDRM — tihange doel radiation monitoring network
a joint initiative of anti-nuclear activists

(powered by FIfF e.V.)
